Friday, February 9, 2007

Have no electricity? Use candles for power :)

Candle Power - Who Needs Batteries? - video powered by Metacafe

Spaaace...need...spaaace...for downloaaaaaaaaads

FREE DISK SPACE II (With Voice Narration) - video powered by Metacafe

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Content...everywhere just content...

Cannot even call it a car...

The new 1000 horsepower heard me...1000..

Bugatti Veyron Rewiew - video powered by Metacafe

Want to try a new sport?

How about freerunning?

Super Moves - Free Running - video powered by Metacafe

Iron...sent down to us?

Iron Miracle - video powered by Metacafe

A little bit of rubik madness...just a bit :)

Rubix Genius! - video powered by Metacafe

Want a different way to sit down? Here it is...

New Chair Design - video powered by Metacafe

Taking art to a whole new level...

Watch and see what he draws in the end...neat!

Something Amazing - video powered by Metacafe

Coin domino....just fun to watch

A little break from all this wisdom...lots of coins here :D

Pound Coin Domino - video powered by Metacafe

A funny view over religion :)...

It is a point of view...but a very funny one. See what he has to say about religion.

Just a little bit of advice...

Hope this advice is helpfull :). I liked the video.

Everyone Must See This! - video powered by Metacafe

Something about what we treat as beauty...

It is really sad that the vision of what beauty really is has been literally deformed by society...take a look.

Educating us out of creativity

Here is a not so nice view of what education is doing to us.

Nothing in the hat

I really liked his way of seeing business. Makes you think a bit. We really make too many asumptions.

Not much to say, just a lot to watch and comment...

Umhhhh, through all the videos that I viewed, there were some that really had something to say and that really taught me something or had something out of the ordinary. So, without further a due, here is my personal video collection. Hope you like it and hope you share your thoughts on my blog.